Q & A

Frequently Asked Questions

Where are you located?

We are 10 minutes from Hamburg and Eden, just past Lake View, in the town of Evans.

Our address is 1759 Sturgeon Point Rd, Derby, NY 14047.

Sturgeon Point Rd connects Route 5 (Erie Rd) to Route 20 (Southwestern Blvd).

What are your hours?

For dog daycare, we are open M, T, W, Th.

Drop off is 7am to 9am. Pick up is 4pm to 6pm.

For boarding, we are by appointment.

What are your daycare prices?

Daycare is $45 per session. Daycare + Obedience Schooling is $55 to $65 per session. Individual specialized daycare is $95 to $105 per session.

Why are your prices higher than others?

Other daycares locally are considered public facilities. We are a private, structured daycare, akin to a school classroom. Our unique approach combines both play and mental stimulation through various tasks, playgroup rotations, meals, breaks, and obedience lessons during daycare which we call "daycare +school", ensuring a well-rounded day for your furry companions.

As a private facility, we maintain a very selective intake process. Dogs undergo a detailed trial day evaluation, assessing behaviors and obedience levels.

The difference is in our commitment to quality over quantity, and is reflected in our small group sizes—we have a small/mellow group of no more than 20 dogs at once, and a large/high-energy group of no more than 20 dogs at once.

Our smaller groupings allow our staff to provide the individualized and detailed attention that your dog deserves, as well as providing comfort and preferences for each of our guests.

Your dog will also enjoy our expansive outdoor turfed play area, the largest in WNY.

With zero major incidents since our inception in 2011, we stand out as the secure and trusted choice in WNY.

Can I board my dog with you?

Since we are a private facility, we only offer boarding for our daycare students. Daycare students enjoy the privilege of boarding with us in roomy kennels or custom themed suites with real beds and luxurious, spacious, homey accommodations.

Can I take a tour?

Certainly! As a private facility with a selective admission process, we kindly require a pre-screening before our in-person meeting. This ensures compatibility on both ends, saving everyone's time.

To initiate this process, please click on the "make a reservation" button at the bottom of the screen. We'll review your application promptly and get in touch within 48 hours.

How often does my dog need to come?

We ask for a minimum of one daycare visit per week to maintain enrollment in our programs. This ensures your dog remains comfortable with our staff and their furry companions. From our extensive 13+ years of experience, we've observed that infrequent visits can lead to stress and time-consuming reintroductions to the group.

Can I see my dog on camera?

To prioritize security, we refrain from having live cameras at our facility. This decision is made with the safety of our high-profile clients and those who prefer not to share their pets' images in mind. Live feeds can potentially reveal the presence of specific dogs, indicating when owners might be away.

For safety and security reasons, we opt for delayed sharing by posting pictures and videos on our Facebook page, typically days after the events occur. However, if you would like a live photo or video sent to you of your dog while here, we would be more than happy to accommodate that.

What does my dog do at daycare?

Dogs check in between 7 A.M. and 9 A.M. A potty break is provided upon arrival, followed by breaks every 30 minutes throughout the day.

Upon arrival, each dog gets an individual crate for breakfast or to acclimate to daycare, preventing overstimulation and overly-excited behaviors.

Once settled, dogs are grouped by size and energy levels. In the daycare group, our staff works with obedience school dogs, incorporating mental enrichment activities like play location changes, friend rotations, and providing individual attention.

Water is available in play areas to keep dogs hydrated. Lunch is served around 1 P.M., followed by play and schooling resuming at 2 P.M.

Throughout the day, our staff adjusts dog groups, considering changing energy levels and play styles. We send daily report cards via text and email between 1 P.M. and 4 P.M.

Departures occur from 4 P.M. to 6 P.M.

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